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Flower Pressing Tips

Pressed using the Microfleur


This rose was bought at the store so it was not as fresh as it should be. You can see the cracks in the fresh flower that also show in the pressed version. Any flaws in the fresh flower will also be vision in the pressed flower. Many pressed roses can be created out of one fresh rose.

Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press roses.

Pressed using the Microfleur


With different techniques, sunflowers can be pressed without molding, even those large ones.

The Pressing Sunflowers course walks through 3 different ways to prepare sunflowers for pressing to make the process easier and faster.

Pressed using the Microfleur


Flowers can be pressed in the profile view or opened up flat. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press flowers and create with them.

Pressed using the Microfleur


Tulips can be pressed opened or cut in half to get two out of one.

Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press tulips and more.

Pressed using the Microfleur

Day Lily

Flowers can be pressed in the profile view or opened up flat. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press flowers and create with them.

Pressed using the Microfleur


Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press flowers and create beautiful art with them.

Pressed using the Microfleur

Purple Bells

Trumpet shaped flowers can be pressed on the profile or have the long end cut off and opened up. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press flowers and create with them.

Pressed using the Microfleur


Flowers with lots of layers of petals can be thinned out. Remove the petals that you won't see when the flower is flat and press those petals separately.

Join the Flower Pressing Pals for tips and video instruction on how to press flowers and create beautiful art with them.

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